Westford OUI Lawyer
Being arrested for a charge of OUI by the Westford Police Department can be a scary situation. For many people whom live in Westford or the surrounding area, being arrested for operating under the influence is their first run in with the law. Many clients are unfamiliar with the court process and how to go about the process after the arrest.
What most people don’t know is that if you are brought to the hospital after a car accident, police usually will follow up at the hospital with you, however there is a rare chance that they don’t show up. This doesn’t mean you necessarily get a get out of jail free card. Police do not need to be physically present to request a BAC check. Hospitals can check your BAC if they think it is necessary for your treatment. The police can obtain a warrant and can have a person authorized at the hospital do it. If this happens you could be sent a notice to appear in court. At this point even if you think you are safe do not talk about what happened with anyone except a lawyer!
If arrested by the Westford Police Department, you can plan on your arraignment date and any other court dates you might have to be at the:
Ayer District Court House, located at 25 East Main Street, in Ayer, MA 01432.

After being arrested, many people consider whether hiring an attorney will increase their likelihood of beating the criminal charges they are facing. The attorneys at DelSignore Law are familiar with the Westford area and the Ayer District Court; you can rest assured knowing you have an attorney fighting for you and representing you in a court of law.
Hiring an attorney, for many people, aids much of the anxiety that follows being arrested for a crime. DelSignore Law attorneys work endlessly on your behalf and truly want the best outcome for their clients. When you hire us, you will always know what to expect at your next court date and you will always be kept up to date in regards to the status of your case. Having an attorney benefits you far more than representing yourself.

You can read more about the court process and what to expect here.
If you have questions or are contemplating hiring a criminal defense attorney, call Attorney DelSignore today at 781-686-5924 for a free and confidential consultation.