Westboro Domestic Assault and Battery Attorney

If you have been charged with a domestic assault and battery in the Westboro District Court it is important that you contact an experienced criminal defense attorney. The attorneys at DelSignore Law regularly appear in the Westboro District Court and have an office in Westboro to easily meet with clients. We have extensive experience in assisting clients with domestic assault and battery charges and would be happy to discuss your case. This page is intended to help you understand the process.
WHERE WILL MY CASE BE HEARD?The Westborough District Court is located at 186 Oak Street and handles charges that originate in the following cities and towns within Worcester County:
- Grafton
- Northborough
- Shrewsbury
- Southborough
- Westborough
On your first date, otherwise known as your arraignment, you should try to arrive by 8:30 A.M. This is because you will need to check in with probation. You will only need to check in with probation on your first court date. The probation department is located in the basement of the courthouse. After you have checked in with probation you will be directed back to courtroom one, on the first floor, directly opposite the entrance. Most if not all of your court dates will be heard in courtroom one. In Westboro it is common for the judge to start right at 9:00 A.M. so it is important to be on time.
WHAT IF THE “VICTIM” WANTS TO DROP THE CASEThis is the most frequent question we hear from people charged with domestic assault and battery. Domestic assault and battery arrests often occur after a heated argument at home. Tempers run high and someone calls the police. Often by the time you are arraigned the “victim” does not want to proceed any further with the case. However, it is important for you to understand that once the police are involved and an arrest is made, the victim is no longer in control of the charges. The Westboro District Attorney’s office will typically not dismiss the case just because the victim wants to “drop the charges”. The District Attorney’s office takes these charges seriously and you are facing strict penalties. There are however a variety of defenses an experienced domestic assault and battery attorney can employ to help you fight these charges.
HOW LONG DOES A DOMESTIC ASSAULT AND BATTERY TAKE TO RESOLVE IN THE WESTBORO DISTRICT COURT?The time it takes to resolve a domestic assault and battery in Westboro is dependent on your specific case. However, in most instances, the attorneys at DelSignore Law will be able to resolve your case in three to four months. If we have reason to believe the alleged victim does not want to proceed with the case we will try to schedule the case for trial as soon as possible, so you can get back to your life without the added stress of a criminal case.
WILL I HAVE A JURY OR BENCH TRIAL?Frequently, when we have a client charged with domestic assault and battery and we do not expect the Commonwealth to have enough evidence to prosecute the case we will schedule the case for what is known as a bench trial date. A bench trial is a trial that is decided by the judge instead of a jury. Often, we can get a quicker date for bench trial than jury trial. At the bench trial date, if the case complaining witness is not on board with the prosecution of the case, it will get dismissed. If unexpectedly the alleged victim, does want to prosecute on the date of the bench trial, there is the option to continue the case for a further date for a jury trial. Jury trials in Westboro are transferred to the Worcester District Court. If we decide to proceed to a jury trial your case will be transferred to the Worcester District Court located at 225 Main Street in Worcester.
SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY TO DISCUSS YOUR CASEThe attorneys at DelSignore Law have an office located conveniently in Westborough, Massachusetts at 1900 West Park Drive, Suite 280 Westborough, MA 01581 where he will be glad to discuss your case; office appointments can also be made at one of his three other office locations. Call 781-686-5924 anytime to discuss your case with one of our attorneys. We would be happy to help.