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Palmer OUI Lawyer

DelSignore Law has handled numerous cases in Palmer, Massachusetts. Attorney DelSignore practices throughout Massachusetts, and has a great reputation defending OUI and criminal cases across the state. When you hire DelSignore Law, you get the benefit of a lawfirm with a statewide reputation of defending individuals charged with OUI. We understand the tendencies of the judges in the Palmer court based on our years of practice and have the expertise to give you the best defense possible.

What we do for our clients is different from other law firms. You will see throughout our website that we are active in the legal community by hosting educational events for lawyers, we write books, and spend all of our time trying to convey and communicate the best case in front of a jury for you. This type of dedication to presenting the case in the most interesting and effective case possible, makes the way we handle the case different from other attorneys.

An OUI arrest in palmer are common and can have a range of consequences in regard to your driver’s license, current and future employment, and if found guilty, will appear on your criminal record. These charges are common but need to be fought in the Palmer District Court by an experienced defense attorney; DelSignore Law attorneys frequently appear in Palmer on behalf of clients, and have familiarity with the court and the judges.

If you were arrested in Palmer, Brimfield, East Longmeadow, Hampden, Holland, Ludlow, Monson, Wales, or Wilbraham, you can expect for all of your court dates to be heard at the Palmer District Court (pictured below). The court is located at 235 Sykes St., Suite 3, Palmer, MA 01069.

Palmer District Court
What to Expect After Being Charged With A First Offense OUI in Palmer
Attorney DelSignore discusses the defenses available to your OUI case in the Palmer District Court.

OUI charges are one of the most common trials heard in the district court division across Massachusetts. Many of my clients have told me that the worst part of their case was the night of their arrest. Being charged with OUI in Palmer is often a person’s first run in with the law; many people have never stepped foot in a court house, have never been in the back of a police cruiser, and have never had to interact with the police and go through the booking process.

Common questions following an OUI first offense arrest are included, but not limited to, the following:

  1. What are the license consequences I am going to have to deal with?
  2. What exactly is the breath test – should I have taken it?
  3. The officer said I failed the field sobriety tests. What does that mean?
  4. Should I accept a plea? Is a drunk-driving conviction avoidable?
  5. What is going to happen in court?

The license consequences you will face will depend upon whether or not you took the breath test; if you took and failed it you will lose your license for 30 days. Taking the breath test is your choice, but if you refused it the consequences are more severe, including the license loss. A DelSignore Law attorney can explain this to you as well as the appeal process following a refusal suspension.

You should know that the field sobriety tests the officers had you perform are standard, but the police generally only put what you did wrong in the report. There are many factors that constitute passing of field tests that officers fail to highlight but were trained to recognize. Attorney DelSignore will dissect the field tests in court and show that you might have actually performed well.

The court process is lengthy, and you can expect to go to court a number of times as you will have your arraignment date, pretrial hearings, motion hearings, and a trial (if necessary). Whether or not to accept a plea on a drunk driving charge is up to you, but you should contact a DelSignore Law attorney today to review your case. After we look over your police report, we can explain which route you might want to take.

Read what our former clients have to say about us:

Extremely knowledgeable in OUI law and Well-Prepared!

After being arrested, I was stressed out and had no idea what to expect; it was my first arrest and my first run-in with the law to date. Attorney DelSignore made time in his schedule to meet with me on the same day of my arrest, went to the court house to get a copy of my police report, and assured me that I had a winnable case. We also discussed the pros and cons of taking a plea on the case and accepting a CWOF. I felt much better after understanding what was going on and what my options were moving forward. In the end, we decided it was best to take the case to trial. Attorney DelSignore met with me several times to go over the case and his strategy. During trial, he was able to identify inconsistencies with the officer’s testimony, and introduced a great deal of reasonable doubt. The jury ultimately returned a verdict of NOT GUILTY and I could not be happier! My strong advice is to hire Mike if you are in this situation- part of my decision was based on his extensive experience in dealing with these cases and his thorough understanding of criminal law. Thanks again!

How Can A Delsignore Law Attorney Investigate My Case And Prove My Innocence?

At DelSignore Law, we understand that you are innocent until proven otherwise, and will work to come up with the best defense strategy possible. When you come in to meet with us we will send you home with an intake packet to fill out and return to us; this gives us a better understanding of the case and is extremely helpful when coming up with your defense.

We will go over your police report with you and will work with you to understand which parts of the police report we agree with and which parts we disagree with. Often times, a DelSignore Law attorney will go to the scene of the incident with you. We can take pictures of the area and get a better understanding of where you were stopped and where you performed the field tests. We will work to gather discovery from the prosecution, including (but not limited to) video evidence, 911 calls, breathalyzer documents, and witness statements.

Contact An Oui Lawyer at Delsignore Law Today!

At DelSignore Law, we look forward to hearing from you and are ready to help you through this difficult time in your life. We will do our best to make sure you understand your case and what you can expect as the case moves through the court system. In fact, when you come in to meet with us, we send you home with a copy of a book we wrote which explains Massachusetts OUI laws. Contact us today; we can find a convenient area to meet with you in Palmer.

On our website, you can read more about a first offense OUI charge as well as the license consequences. Be sure to read more on our website today!

Client Reviews
Michael was very professional and explained the process clearly and told us to be patient. After one year the charges got dismissed in the trial. Excellent knowledge of the court systems in the area of Boston. Would highly recommend him Ashwani
A careless decision on my part left me facing charges which would have severely hampered my ability to stay employed and support myself. But attorney DelSignore's skillful analysis and challenging of the evidence against me resulted in a conviction on a lesser charge. Now I'll be able to go on with my life, having learned a lesson I'll never forget. Thank you, Michael. Scott
Mike stuck with my case for 3.5 years and always kept me informed regarding the status. Ultimately, because of his due diligence, we ended up with an OUI not guilty verdict. This case could have gone many ways but his thorough review of the case and exceptional preparedness for trial ultimately drove a positive outcome. Thank you Mike! David
Michael DelSignore did an amazing job with my case! He was always available to answer any questions I had and helped walked me through the entire process. I could not have done it without them! I highly recommend choosing this law firm to deal with your legal needs, you will not be dissatisfied. Ashley
I cannot express the gratitude towards Michael for his amazing work and help. It was a very stressful event and they certainly put me at as much ease as possible. From start to finish it took 14 months and all the way through they were both very engaged with me. Today was worth the wait, Michael was great in court and I was rightfully found not guilty. I would recommend Michael over and over again. Claire