Marlborough OUI Lawyer
Tips for winning an OUI case in Marlboro District Court
Attorney DelSignore is a Marlborough, Massachusetts DUI Lawyer, representing clients charged with DUI throughout the Marlborough area. With experience defending cases involving refusal of the breathalyzer, high breathalyzer results and blood test cases, Attorney DelSignore will assist you and help prepare your defense.
Attorney DelSignore grabs lunch after attending a motion hearing on an OUI offense at the Marlboro District Court at Wellly's. Great spot for Chicken Parm.Some concepts that those charged with OUI must understand to make an informed decision about their case include:
- The difference between an arrest and a conviction
- The accuracy in breath test evidence
- The officer’s reasoning for the arrest

The breathalyzer test that you take at the police station must be conducted in a reasonable amount of time from when you were operating your motor vehicle. Massachusetts law requires that any defendant, who has been arrested for OUI and whom consents to take the breath test, must have the test administered by a certified breath test device in a reasonable amount of time.
While there is no specific amount of time in which the police must administer the breath test to you, prosecutors must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that, at the time you were driving your vehicle, your blood was .08 or greater.
Read some of our recent case results below:
Under 21 Client with .18 Breath Test Found Not Guilty of OUI 2nd in Marlborough
After being involved in an accident, the client in this case was facing their second OUI offense under the age of 21, which carries stiffer penalties if found guilty of the crime. The client allegedly made marked lane violations, failed four of the field sobriety tests, and admitted to having three beers the night of the arrest. After a motion hearing, Attorney DelSignore was able to get the breath test results excluded from trial. The client was later found not guilty.
You will learn about the court process, license implication and will have an opportunity to ask questions. At the initial meeting, Attorney DelSignore will usually review any paperwork you have from the court including the police report; if you do not have a police report, you do not have to request it- just bring what you have.
As an aggressive and experienced Massachusetts OUI Attorney, Attorney DelSignore defends clients facing all types of drunk driving charges, including OUI involving injury accidents, multiple offenses, and those involving drugs or other criminal allegations.
Attorney DelSignore will challenge evidence in your case resulting from search and seizure and will contest the results of field sobriety tests and breathalyzer examinations.
About the Court:The Marlborough District Court hears criminal cases from Marlborough and the surrounding areas of Middlesex County, including Hudson. It is located at 45 Williams Street in Marlborough.

DelSignore Law
225 Cedar Hill Street
Marlborough, MA 01750
Feel free to contact Attorney DelSignore to set up a time to meet today. For further reading on OUI or other criminal charges, feel free to view our educational website in the meantime.