Leominster OUI Lawyer
'Worcester News Tonight' featured Attorney DelSignore on breath test updates as of January 2019'
One of Attorney DelSignore’s favorite Courts to practice in is the Leominister District Court. This is a Court where Attorney DelSignore has had great success over the course of his career. Attorney DelSignore is a Leominster OUI lawyer who defends clients charged with drunk driving and OUI/DUI offenses in Leominster, Massachusetts.
The Leominister District Court is part of Worcester Country and typically the presiding judge handles the cases in this Court. However, other judges throughout the region will sometimes rotate to this Court. The Leominister District Court does not have its own jury session, so any jury trial will be sent to the Fitchburg District Court.
Leominster is located north of Worcester and west of Boston. It is the second largest city in Worcester County.
OUI Charges are Difficult to Prove: Nationwide, more than 1 in 4 drunk driving defendants are not convicted.Attorney DelSignore has a Westborough office located roughly a short distance away from the Leominster District Court:
1900 W Park Drive #280
Westborough, MA 01581
Many people charged with OUI in Massachusetts never expect to ever have to step foot in a courtroom. They have no prior criminal record, no arrest record and many do not even feel as though they should have been arrested. The night after the arrest can be difficult and force many to hire a Massachusetts OUI attorney when they never expected to be in this position.
The state police charged a client with OUI after being stopped for speeding. It was also alleged that the defendant failed field sobriety tests and admitted to consuming alcohol. At trial, he was found not guilty.
You are not alone in being charged with drunk driving in Massachusetts. It is easy to get charged. Being charged means that the police officer thought you were under the influence. While being charged is certainly stressful, embarrassing and a strain on your finances, job and family life, it is not the same as the Commonwealth proving the case and obtaining a conviction. Once you learn how the process works, understand that many others just like you have gone through this process before, and are aware of your Constitutional rights and defenses to an OUI charge, some of your frustration and anxiety will be reduced.

Should you consider having Attorney DelSignore represent you in court?
OUI arrests in Leominster can be won at trial. Attorney DelSignore is an experienced attorney who can educate you on OUI defenses, the court process, and uncover any evidence of faulty field sobriety tests.
To further help you navigate the court process, Attorney Delsignore’s book, Understanding Massachusetts Drunk Driving Laws is available for download.
Those charged with an OUI arrest in Leominster can feel confident with Attorney Delsignore. He has experience defending OUI cases in Worcester County, and will begin preparing your case even if your court date is within a few days.
Scheduling an Appointment
You can reach Attorney Delsignore at 781-686-5924 24-hours a day, 7 days a week for a free consultation. Additionally, office appointments can be made at one of his many other office locations; you can find the addresses for these locations by clicking here.
If you are arrested for OUI and your case is going to be heard in Leominister, call Attorney DelSignore at 781-686-5924 to learn about your defenses today.