Brockton DUI Lawyer
A client charged with first offense OUI, who allegedly failed 4 field sobitety tests, spoke with a slur, and was unsteady on her feet was found not guilty of OUI by a jury.
If you are charged with OUI in Brockton, you need to call Attorney DelSignore immediately as he is an experienced OUI Lawyer that can handle your case. Attorney DelSignore has assisted many clients fight their DUI/OUI charge and has successfully defended cases where the police alleged numerous traffic violations, including weaving and going over the marked lanes.
In some cases, an individual will be charged with a marked lane violation based on weaving within the lane; a careful reading of the Massachusetts law reveals that this is an inappropriate basis for a traffic stop and could be a defense to the charge even going to trial.

Attorney DelSignore has successfully defended OUI cases where the motorist failed a breathalyzer test; where the motorist was involved in an accident; and where the motorist admitted to drinking a large amount of alcohol, including one case where the defendant admitted to consuming eight beers. Cases involving admissions to alcohol consumption can be defended by showing that the amount of alcohol consumed was not enough to impair the individual, considering the time of drinking and body type of the individual. In some cases, a motion can be filed to attempt to exclude the statement from evidence. In other cases, the evidence will be heard by the jury but must be minimized by stressing why other evidence should be given more weight by the jury.
If you were arrested in any of the following towns, your case will be heard in the Brockton District Court: |
The Brockton District Court is located at 215 Main Street, Brockton, Massachusetts. Attorney DelSignore's Stoughton Office, 530 Washington Street, Stoughton, Massachusetts, is located appropriately 15-30 minutes from most towns within the Brockton area.
The Brockton District Court is a busy district court; Arraignments are heard on the Fourth Floor in the Courtroom that has Arraignment Court written above the door. Pretrial hearings are conducted in the Court room next to the Arraignment court room. If you case is scheduled for motion to trial, typically it will be called with the pretrial cases and assigned to another court room. Since motions and trials take more court time, they are assigned to a particular court once the clerk determines which cases will be heard that day. Brockton typically has five judges sitting on any particular day so the court is capable of handling two jury trials on the same day and numerous motions.
Brockton OUI lawyer Attorney DelSignore offers free consultations and will take the time to explain to you the defenses to your case. You can arrange an immediate appointment by calling now. Attorney DelSignore answers most calls and will return your call immediately. Call 508-455-4755 or 781-686-5924to schedule an office appointment. You can also learn more about your Brockton OUI arrest by downloading Attorney DelSignore free book, Understanding Massachusetts Drunk Driving Laws.