Chelsea OUI Lawyer
If you have been arrested in Chelsea for operating under the influence you should contact a DelSignore Law attorney to discuss your case today. Learning about the defenses in a Massachusetts drunk driving case when you failed a breathalyzer test and becoming familiar with the court process in Chelsea will help to relieve some of the stress you are feeling.
The Chelsea District Court Is Located At 120 Broadway Street In Chelsea, Ma 02150
While many arrested for OUI lose their license, you should be made aware that the Chelsea District Court is very accessible by public transportation which should make it easier to get to court on the day of your arraignment.

As soon as the police believe you may be under the influence of alcohol, they will order you out of your vehicle and ask that you perform a number of field sobriety tests. Field sobriety tests are the roadside tests that were likely asked of you to perform, such as the:
- Nine step walk and turn
- One leg stand
- Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus
Officers are required to demonstrate and explain each test to you before having you perform them. However, in Chelsea OUI cases, there is often a language barrier issue that comes into play. Maybe you did not understand what the officer was asking of you, or you could not understand the specifics and as a resulted ended up “failing” the tests. If you have a hard time understanding English, you are at a major disadvantage when it comes to the field sobriety tests.
An issue of language barriers will be addressed in court by a DelSignore Law. This is a common issue in areas like Chelsea, and other surrounding Boston neighborhoods, but it can be used in your favor. We will request a copy of your booking video which could potentially show that you did in fact have trouble understanding what the officer was asking of you.
Challenging Breath Test Evidence in CourtIf you do find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being arrested for OUI, you should understand that just because you failed a breath test, this does not mean you do not have a good case. Regardless of your case, you should take the time to consult with Attorney DelSignore as he will be able to explain the steps to take to successfully challenge the breath test evidence in court.
If possible, we will try to have the results of your breathalyzer test excluded from evidence altogether so that they are not known to the jury at the time of trial.
In order to get the breath test excluded, we will work to challenge the periodic testing and certification of the machine which was used to test your blood alcohol concentration. Another strategy is to challenge the officer whom administered the breath test to you; we will challenge whether or not the officer complied with and followed the proper procedure before and during the breath test.
Before administering the breath test, officers must successfully complete a 15-minute observation period. During this observation period, the officer must watch you carefully for 15-minutes to ensure you do not burp, vomit, or eat or drink anything among other things. This is done in order to ensure your breath test results are accurate. If you do burp or drink something, your breath test results may be exaggerated, which would make it easy for us to challenge in court.
Contact A Boston OUI Trial Lawyer TodayIf you have been charged with OUI of alcohol in Chelsea, contact Attorney DelSignore today as he would be more than happy to explain the court process and any upcoming court dates you have.
To learn more about other defenses that may be available to your case, as well as the court process, visit our website today.
You can call or Text Attorney DelSignore at 781-686-5924.