Burlington OUI Lawyer
An OUI charge in Burlington will be heard at the Woburn District Court. DelSignore Law attorneys frequent this court house on behalf of clients charged with OUI as a result of a Burlington Police Department arrest. We understand that you have a number of questions and are likely confused and stressed out now that you have been formally charged with a crime. You are not alone; most of my clients that are charged with OUI have never been involved in the justice system, have never stepped foot in a court house, and certainly have not needed a lawyer to represent them. DelSignore Law is here to help you understand the court process in Woburn and, more importantly, understand the charges you are facing. If at any point you have a question, a DelSignore Law attorney can be reached at any point in time.
Five important things you need to know after being arrested for OUI:- From the second you are arrested, the OUI charge will appear on your criminal record. Many of my clients believe that the OUI will only appear on a criminal background check if they are convicted; this is not the case. Pending charges DO appear on a CORI.
- Your license suspension will depend on whether or not you took the breath test. On a first offense OUI, if you failed the breath test, you have a 30-day suspension. If you refused the breath test, the suspension is for 180-days. The suspension length varies depending on whether or not you have prior OUI charge(s).
- The Burlington Police Department video tapes their booking process. This is important because, in most cases, we will want to file a motion to preserve the video evidence. Often the video can be used to show you were polite and cooperative during booking; this type of footage at trial goes a long way.
- Your court case will likely be pending anywhere from a couple of months to a couple of years. Each case is different so it is impossible to say how long you will have to wait to have your day in trial, but you should know that the court is very slow and it is common for months to go by between your various court dates.
- OUI cases are highly defensible criminal charges. In most cases, I advise my clients that it is in their best interest to fight their case. I will do a full evaluation of your case, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses, and advise you on what I think the most appropriate option is.
Your case will be heard in the Woburn District Court, which is located at 30 Pleasant Street, Woburn, MA 01801, pictured below. You will want to arrive at court for 8:30AM. The court starts at that time and it is imperative you arrive on time for all of your court dates.

If you refused the breath test, you should know that the license suspension that you currently have is not an end-all-be-all. You do have the option to appeal it and win your license back but the appeals are often denied. Regardless, I have outlined the process below. The appeal takes time, money, and is a confusing process, so you will want a lawyer on your side who can help file the appropriate paperwork and appear with you.
- The first step in appealing the suspension is to appear the RMV in Boston within 15 days from the date of your arrest. The 15-day time period is a strict deadline and you will not be able to appeal the suspension after this time frame has passed. The 15-days includes holidays and weekends so I tell all of my clients to go as soon as possible.
- If the RMV denies your request for reinstatement, we have the opportunity to appeal the RMV’s decision to uphold your license suspension to the court your criminal case is being heard in. In most cases this is the route that we have to take. There is a $195.00 appeal fee that will need to be paid, and the court will schedule a time for us to come in for a hearing.
*NOTE* This process can take some time and it is difficult to win your license back, but I tell my clients it is worth a shot.
A DELSIGNORE LAW ATTORNEY CAN BE AN ADVOCATE FOR YOU IN COURTWhen you hire us for your case, you can rest assure knowing you have the best legal team on your side. We are always available to answer any questions you have as the process goes on, and we will work from the moment you hire us to craft the best possible defense for your case. Feel free to contact us anytime. On our website we have additional information about the breath test refusal license suspension as well as the court process.