One of the great things about cell phones is that we have an almost unlimited access to information. The difficulty is figuring out what information is worth listening to . I have discovered an excellent Podcast on the internet called the JD Blogger Podcast. He is a plaintiff debt collection lawyers but provides very useful information for lawyers.
He often recommends new technology and discusses some of the methods he has used to improve his marketing. He focuses on content marketing and has a very informative websites and Blog. I have also adopted a more content focus approach so find his information helpful. There is a debate among lawyers about the best way to market, in terms of pay per click and trying to rank organically. While I am sure there are many lawyers who are successful with pay per click, it has not worked well for me. I plan to give it another try but have not found a great way to test it.
Podcasts like the JD Blooger I enjoy because as a solo lawyer it is helpful to get new ideas and hear about how other lawyers are running their practice. Typically, on the podcast JD Blogger will promote a new technology useful for lawyers and in the recent Podcast discussed setting up a Podcast and the technology he uses to launch his Podcast.