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Massachusetts Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Mom Charged With Rehoboth First Offense OUI After Vodka, Toddler Found in Car

A first offense Massachusetts OUI charge and child endangerment charge was brought after a mother from Somerset was allegedly found drunk in her car with her child, The Herald News reports. Being charged with OUI in Rehoboth is a serious, and potentially life-changing, event. Having additional charges levied by police…


Marlborough Man Charged With Massachusets Domestic Assault and Battery

A Marlborough man is being held in connection with an alleged domestic violence incident involving his girlfriend, reports The MetroWest Daily News. Charges of assault and battery in Westborough are typically filed by authorities in cases where there is some type of fight or domestic dispute. The severity of injuries…


More Women Being Arrested for Drunk Driving in Massachusetts

The Washington Post is reporting that more woman are being arrested for drunk driving. Yet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported this fall that men were responsible for 81 percent of drinking and driving incidents in 2010. Some of these statistics can be unreliable. For instance, law enforcement…


Women Accused of Counterfeiting Scheme in Plainville, Massachusetts

Two women from New York have been charged in a case of trying to use counterfeit bills to make purchases at Target stores in Plainville, North Attleboro, Seekonk and Connecticut. Counterfeiting schemes could be considered larceny in Attleboro — a form of theft. In most cases, suspects use fake bills…


Taunton Brothers Face Massachusetts Drugs Charges After Police Raid

The Taunton Daily Gazette reports that two brothers are facing guns and drug charges after a police raid. Drug charges and gun charges in Taunton often go hand-in-hand. Massachusetts criminal defense lawyers have defended many clients charged with both crimes. In the Commonwealth, drug charges can range from possession of…


United States Supreme Court hears argument addressing whether GPS tracking violates the Fourth Amendment

The United States Supreme Court heard arguments in a case raising the issue of whether GPS monitoring violates an individuals Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures under the Constitution. The case is United States v. Antoine Jones, and the filings from the case can be…


Brawl in Taunton Broken Up By Off-Duty Police Officer results in Massachusetts Assault and Battery charges

An off-duty Mansfield police officer was credited with breaking up a daylight brawl between three men who had tire irons and a knife, the Taunton Daily Gazette is reporting. Self-defense is one of the most commonly acknowledged theories of defense portrayed on television criminal shows and in novels. But in…


Legislation requiring prosecutors to consent to a bench trial in response to the Boston Globe special OUI report would be unconstitutional

In response to the Boston Globe Special Report on OUI bench trials in Massachusetts, the Globe reported that prosecutors are seeking legislation requiring prosecutors to consent to a bench trial. Assuming this report is accurate, this legislation would have to apply to every type of criminal case as legislation relating…


Comments on part II of Boston Globe’s special report on OUI bench trials

The Boston Globe published its second of three installments on drunk driving bench trials in Massachusetts. The Globe claimed to have researched the number of not guilty verdicts from selected judges that were targeted by prosecutors and published statistics of their rate of not guilty verdicts. Click here to read…

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