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Massachusetts Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Dangerousness Hearing Set in Taunton, Massachusetts Sex Case involving former Teacher

The path has been cleared by the Massachusetts Supreme Court for a dangerousness hearing in the case of a teacher accused of sex with three, 14-year-old female students. Massachusetts criminal defense lawyers understand that the issue in this case was the question of whether lack of evidence regarding the presence…


Recent United States Supreme Court case, Williams v. Illinois, makes a Sixth Amendment Confrontation Clause Decision.

As a Massachusetts OUI Attorney, the recent decision of the United States Supreme Court has importance consequences in defending drunk driving case involving blood and breath test evidence. The Williams v. Illinois decision is noteworthy as to how divided the court was in its reasoning finding that the defendant’s Sixth…


Massachusetts Criminal Defense: Exonerations Highlight Need for Skilled Attorney

Those in need of a solid, Massachusetts criminal defense will want to consider the following: A recent study indicated that some 2,000 people in the U.S. have been exonerated and declared innocent in the past 23 years. This might seem good news, and certainly those are joyous occasions. However, Massachusetts…


Framingham DUI: Five Times Over the Limit Calls Results Into Question

A man arrested for a Framingham DUI was reportedly five times over the legal limit, according to The Boston Herald. Framingham DUI attorneys question why authorities had this individual in jail taking mugshots, when he probably should have been taken to a hospital. Alternatively, one would wonder if there may…


DUI Lawyers in Massachusetts Watching Legislative Action on Melanie’s Law Loophole

Massachusetts DUI attorneys are paying close attention to the developments surrounding the efforts of state legislators to close a legal loophole that allows certain individuals convicted of Boston DUIs to avoid certain penalties. It involves Melanie’s Law and those individuals who may have admitted to driving drunk, but are not…


Massachusetts Criminal Defense Attorneys Must Comb Every Possible Angle

Massachusetts criminal defense attorneys have been closely watching the defense strategy in a Florida murder trial, in which a husband is accused of slaying his 33-year-old wife. In cases requiring a Boston criminal defense, attorneys analyze all angles of a case. Some are glaring situations of self-defense. Others are more…


Massachusetts DUI Lawyers will be able to have some license suspensions vacated as a result of recent court decision

Melanie’s Law, a piece of legislation that aims to reduce the number of repeat offenders requiring a Massachusetts drunk driving defense, may have just been significantly weakened. Massachusetts OUI lawyers are watching closely to see what happens next. To understand the ruling and what it could mean, you first have…


New Bedford Sex Crime Prosecutions May Increase as a Result of Federal Probe

New Bedford sex crimes defense attorneys know that an allegation of such an offense can have major implications for the accused. This is especially true for college students charged with a New Bedford sex crime. With an entire future ahead of him, college students must find an experienced and knowledgeable…


Abington Domestic Assault and Battery Charges Against Weymouth Cop

Abington assault and battery charges have been filed against a 37-year-old police officer who allegedly attacked his 9-year-old twin daughters. Abington domestic violence defense lawyers know that such an allegation can have implications not only for the officer’s criminal record, but also his job and child custody arrangements. Domestic battery…

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