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Articles Posted in DUI defenses


More Women Being Arrested for Drunk Driving in Massachusetts

The Washington Post is reporting that more woman are being arrested for drunk driving. Yet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported this fall that men were responsible for 81 percent of drinking and driving incidents in 2010. Some of these statistics can be unreliable. For instance, law enforcement…


Drinking Responsibly on Halloween as a Massachusetts OUI charge can have severe consequences

Halloween is approaching, as we can tell from the crisp weather, the black and orange decorations and the costume advertisements that seem to pop up this time of year. And while it’s primarily a holiday for children to go door-to-door and try to get as much candy as they can,…


Governor Deval Patrick Aide Charged With OUI In Brookline

A longtime top aide and adviser to Gov. Deval Patrick has been suspended by the Governor after being arrested recently for drunken driving in Brookline, the Enterprise News reports. The report shows that even the most experienced and professional people can be labeled criminals with an OUI charge. While it’s…


OUI Penalties in Massachusetts Go Beyond the Legal System

Were you charged with OUI in Massachusetts? It is possible that you are facing the reality of being charged with a criminal offense. People are quick to judge; court information is public access and family members and loved ones often find out as well. Companies are quick to fire someone…


President Obama’s Uncle Charged with OUI in Framingham, Massachusetts

The uncle of President Barack Obama was recently arrested and charged with DUI and is now being held without bail on an ICE detainer, Fox News reports Being arrested and charged with OUI in Framingham can be frightening for anyone, especially an illegal immigrant. One of the more important tasks…


Massachusetts OUI Lawyer explains drunk driving defenses based on police training

In this series of Blogs, I have attempted to describe all aspects of a Massachusetts drunk driving charge and how the case will be defended by a Massachusetts DUI lawyer. Prior blogs, have addressed the HGN test, nine step walk and turn, one leg stand test and nonstandard field sobriety…


Jalen Rose Sentence Shows Disparity Between States for DUI Convictions

As the Massachusetts DUI Attorney Blog recently reported, former NBA player and ESPN analyst Jalen Rose was sent to jail for 20 days in response to a March 11 DUI accident in Michigan. His attorneys argued that the sentence was more excessive than sentences handed down in other DUI cases,…


Massachusetts OUI arrest based on 911 call and Chief Justice Roberts speaks out on DUI cases

A Massachusetts DUI stop must be based on the officer having reasonable suspicion that a motorist is committing a traffic violation or some violation of the criminal laws. In a DUI case, if there is not a lawful basis for the stop, a DUI lawyer may be able to have…


Defense to the breathalyzer in Massachusetts and the partition ratio

Massachusetts has two methods for a prosecutor to prove a DUI case in court. First, the prosecutor can proceed under the per se prong of the Massachusetts DUI statute, Chapter 90 Section 24 and submit evidence that the breathalyzer result was over the legal limit of .08. This is known…

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