Text DelSignore Law at 781-686-5924 with your name and what kind of charge you are texting regarding.
A misdemeanor offense is any offense that does not carry the possibility of State prison time and has a maximum jail sentence of 2.5 years or less in the house of correction. As a Massachusetts criminal defense attorney, Attorney DelSignore has successfully defended numerous misdemeanor offenses, including:
If are charged with a misdemeanor offense, it is important to call an experienced Massachusetts criminal defense lawyer to represent you in court to obtain a not guilty verdict if the case goes to trial or in an attempt to negotiate a favorable resolution of the case, such as a dismissal.
With successful results in all types of Massachusetts misdemeanor offenses, from drug charges, OUI, larceny offenses, and assault and battery allegations, Attorney DelSignore will prepare a defense and strategy to help you avoid a criminal conviction. Call (781) 686-5924 for a free consultation.