Text DelSignore Law at 781-686-5924 with your name and what kind of charge you are texting regarding.
What are the Best Defenses when you are charged with drunk driving in Massachusetts. In this webpage, Massachusetts OUI Lawyer Michael Delsignore will explain to you what the top lawyers know and how these defenses can help you win your case.
The Top OUI Lawyers in Massachusetts are able to show the jury what a great person you are. Studies after study on trial practice show that jurors decide cases based on emotion. Skilled trial lawyers know that getting the jury to like their client goes a long way toward a not guilty verdict.
One of the best way to let the jury get to know you is through the evidence at booking. During the booking process, you gave the officer biographical information. If you testify, the jury gets to know you first hand, but in cases where you cannot testify, the booking information allows us to tell the jury, how many kids you have, what you do for work, and anything else you may have told the booking officer. In most cases, the booking video if there is one, will assist in your defense.
The best defenses to an OUI have the following elements:
Ultimately, what an OUI Lawyer wants to show is that while the officer may have tripped you up a couple of times on the field sobriety tests, that you understand everything the officer said, did everything the officer requested of you to the best of your ability and at all times was paying attention and responding normally to the officer’s requests.
What are some of the things that the Best Massachusetts OUI Lawyer looks for when reading a police report.
Here are some of the things that can help create a top OUI defense.
When you provide your license and registration, without fumbling or having difficulty handling it, an officer will be forced to acknowledge that the police training teaches them to look for this as a sign of someone being under the influence of alcohol.
Also, when you get out of the car, without touching it, leaning on it or using it for balance, this is another point where an officer police training says, pay attention to this, people under the influence lean on their car when getting out. When you do not exhibit these traits, a Massachusetts OUI attorney can point this out to the jury as part of your defense.
In short, the Best OUI defenses in a DUI arrest involve, point out common sense reasons why field sobriety tests are unreliable:
If you want to discuss what the Best OUI defenses are to your case, call or text at 781-686-5924 to speak to Attorney DelSignore.